
Leaps of Faith

To jump or not to jump? That was the question.
The anwer of course is JUMP!

The entire group minus myself who was taking the picture...walking with our stomachs in our chest to go Bungee Jump. For 8 out of 10 of us...this was our first jump.

Most of the group right before going up the elevator to jump...how confindent do we look?

From this point forward...I don't really have any still shots of myself jumping...but I do for a few others. I wish I did...I would post the video cam but do not know how to.

Three Ways Bungee Jumping Parallels with Living for God:

#1--The obvious leap of faith lesson. When you decide to Bungee jump, at some point your stomach is in your chest, your heart is pounding, your knees are weak, you're not sure if you can follow through though occurs, though your mind knows you can trust the equipment and you are not about to die...your body, as you are standing on the edge about to jump toward the ground says..what do you think you are doing?! You are going to die. One if not several of these feelings/thoughts occur.

Though these things occur, when you do finally jump...it is worth it!

There are times in our lives where God calls us to take a leap of faith. He asks us to do something that goes against what seems natural or is something God knows is extremely hard for us. Things that scare us out of our mind. Though we know we can trust God, we don't know if can do what He is calling us to do. Though the leap of faith is hard, once we do it, it is worth it.

Oh...Britt jumped for the 3rd time. Despite this, Britt still was nervous and took his time jumping. The thoughts going through his mind were different than the first or the second time..but still he had to choose to jump. He made a comment that one thought that ran through his head is that he had nothing prove. He had no reason to jump. He had already done it twice. A reason he hestistated was because the first time he "jumped", he got the edge and just collapsed off. The second time he jumped. But this time he wanted to do it well. He want to jump and do the whole cool Superman jump.

God does not just ask us to make one leap of faith in our lifetime. Just because you do it once, does not mean God is never going to ask you take a leap of faith again. You will have to stand up to the edge again and make a decision to jump. Each time will be different...but do not doubt, God will ask you to step to the edge once again.

#2--There were 10 of us who jumped. Though some jumped right away, there were several of us who stood on the edge for a bit before actually jumping. During this time, the others in the group are all shouting out words of encourage: "You can do! Jump to the Cross. Take your time. I know its hard, but I know you can do and we are all backing you up". We never yelled, "What's your problem, we know it takes some extreme trust in God...but get on with it. What's your problem? Don't you trust in God? What are you waiting for?"

At times in the body of Christ, we have a sister or brother who is struggling with a "leap of faith" that God is calling them to. Do we shouts of words of encouragement to help them take the jump they know they need to take? Or do our words discourage?

#3--All of us at some point checked to see that our gear and equipment was on. Was it tight enough. Did the guy attacked the Bungee cord. Are we good to go? Are we ready?

If we do this for the physical...how much more important is it that we do it for the spiritual. Do we have our gear on? Are there any adjustments that need to be made? Are we forgetting something? God has equipped us. Are we using the equipment He has given us to take that leap of faith? Do we have it? Are you ready to jump?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! Great analogy! Enjoyed reading your comments.

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The Lord has really been stirring my heart, the power of the Gospel and challenging me in my belief about what the Lord is truly capable of ...