This is our living room and our very COMFORTABLE couches!
This is our kitchen. The siver thing above the sink is our kimchi refrigirator...however, we do not use it for kimchi. Instead we have our oils and vinegars stored there.
Yes...we do have a dishwasher, but it is not hooked up...though I must admit, I would not mind if it was! Mainly for doing dishes when you have guests over...not so much for everyday use.
It is rare to have dishwasher in Korea.
Here is another picture of our kitchen. As you can see...we have no oven...just a stovetop. This is typical of a Korean kitchen.
For this reason...I am very grateful for the convection oven that can be found in the other corner of the kitchen!
Off of our kitchen is our "laundry room". It is really our third bedroom that we have turned into a laundry/random room. I do no remember why...but our washer has to be on that table. I can throw the clothes into the washer withough standing on the table, but to take them out...I have to stand on the table. OINK! I am very grateful for a washer that has hot water! The one last year, we could never wash our clothes in hot water...some things just get cleaner in hot water. Another thing I am very grateful for in my new place.

I tried to get only one picture of our laundry room...but found it impossible. This is the other corner of our laundry room...nothing too exciting.
You have basically seen our place. This was taken facing our front door. The door you see is the door to my bathroom. My room's doorway is perpendicular to the bathroom to the left. And Pam's room and bathroom are the door you see to the right of the front door.
I don't really have any good pictures of either bedroom or bathroom...but I did want to share with you another OINK moment.
This is a picture of my bathroom. Let me preface with bathtubs are not a Korean thing...so I am doing pretty good having a bathtub. However because Korean bathrooms normally just have the shower head like you see here coming out of the wall somewhere in the bathroom and there is always a drain in the floor...when you shower everything just gets wet. Knowing this...what they did here might make more sense.
If you notice, the bathroom cabinet goes right up to the shower head. Meaning it gets wet and is slowly getting ruined by its location on the wall. Basically if a shower curtain were up...the cabinet would be covered by the shower curtain! I took the cabinet down. But I found it interesting anyway. I am still working on the shower curtain. Pam, my new roommate...this was her old bathroom and she just rigged the shower curtain up with a string. I laughed. I bought a shower curtain rod. Less common here...but still easy to find.
Well, I hope you enjoyed seeing my new home. If you are ever in my neck of the woods...drop on by. You are always welcome in my home. Once Pam and I are both here...I will post a picture of us....Hasta Luego!
1 comment:
Love your apartment. May God richly bless all that happens there. Say "Hi" to Pam.
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