

Late last night, into the morning, and even some today it has snowed. The flakes that were coming down last night were large and beautiful. It is the prettiest snow I believe I have ever expereinced--not that I have been exposed to a lot of snow in my life time!

Anyway...below are a few pictures from my late night snow adventures--please don't judge my snowman. He was built in a manner of minutes and from things out of my purse. The snow was still too dry to make a snowman...but I couldn't resist.

There are also some shots of where I live. I have been meaning to do so for awhile now...so why not when my "nieghborhood" is covered with snow and beautiful!


Anonymous said...

Yay for snow. I am soo jealous right now. It reminds me of the times we played in the snow together in Dallas at DBU!! I think snow in India would be ugly though...so I am glad you got to enjoy.

Random question....do they heat the floors in your hours. Is that the type of heating that you have?

Amber said...

Do they heat the floors in your hours? Interesting question.

I assume you are asking if we use floor heat here in Korea and the answer is yes. They run metal pipes through our cement floors and run hot water through them to warm the floor. It works very well!

Anonymous said...

Well Debbie and Mandy were telling me about how the heat works in Korea and I thought it was fascinating...so I thought I would see.

The Gospel

The Lord has really been stirring my heart, the power of the Gospel and challenging me in my belief about what the Lord is truly capable of ...