

Because I gave up a week of my vacation to teach English Camp...I figure I deserved to use the money on myself and not responsibly. So...I am now officially an IPod owner.

Now...I really don't have much of a music collection. In fact, I am clueless when it comes to music--this is not an exaggeration. I listen to music and love to have it playing...I just normally don't know what I am listening to. I even know what I like...I just don't know the names of the bands. Yes. Pathetic. I know.

Anyhow, I grew up in a home where only Christian music was played. While this is not a bad thing...I am just clueless when it comes to secular music. There is some good stuff out there.

If you were to suggest a band or song for me tocheck out...what would it be?
Christian or secular.
*Note: If the song is about sex or has curse words in it...I would rather not listen to it...even if it does have a good beat.


Shannon said...

Here are my suggestions off the top of my head for the artists I think you will like.

The following artists are for the most part safe. Listen to them and let me know which ones you like the sound of and I can make recommendations on whether the whole album is good or which ones you should download.

KT Tunstall
Joss Stone
Natasha Beddingfield
Snow Patrol
Five for Fighting
Jason Mraz
John Mayer
Josh Groban
Lenny Kravitz
John Legend
Justin Timberlake
Relient K - Christian
Norah Jones
Sheryl Crow
Steve Tyrell
Kelly Clarkson
Maroon 5
Blake Eyed Peas
Gavin DeGraw
The Fray
James Taylor
Marvin Gaye

Shannon said...

You should go ahead and download itunes and start putting all your music in it so when your ipod comes its rewady to go.

Amber said...

I have already downloaded itunes and have about a forth of my collection in there...well, a fourth of my non-Christmas music at least. I did not realize how much Christmas music I have.

I only knew to do this because Alicia had already advised me about this over the weekend!

Thanks for the music list...I will have to check it out.

You have given me two John Mayer CD's and a Christmas John Legend CD...so I know I like both of them.

And I have some Reliant K as well...but only one CD. They are good.

Knowing me...I will probably recognize some of the others when I hear their music...I just don't recognize them now!


The Gospel

The Lord has really been stirring my heart, the power of the Gospel and challenging me in my belief about what the Lord is truly capable of ...