
I miss seeing...

A little bit ago, my older sister e-mailed the question...
Living overseas what are some of the things from home you miss seeing?

Below is the e-mail I quickly gave back between classes. I was hoping to add to it...but never did. There are lots of things/people from Dallas that I miss seeing, but I listed ones that my sister would be familar with.

I miss seeing...

The faces of loved ones and nature (places on the property, Dallas nature center, the lake, anywhere in nature--particularly familiar places).

Mommie and Daddy making faces at each other...Daddy at this desk...Mommie with her "kids" and even the animals...the Kss Kss of Shanny's snake...Nonnie in her chair in Arlington...Grandad with Heidi... Grandad's smile/smirk...playing Scrabble with Nonnie and Grandad...conversations and meals with Tye and Tracy...Grandma's smile...Uncle Lee at the gril or driving the boat...Angela, the lounge chairs, and the dog(s) at the lake...Alves family get-togethers--table filled with family and everyone visiting...

Oh...wait...I need to teach! Anyway...these are all "pictures" in my head that I miss seeing.
I could go on for awhile longer...but really do need to go!

Love you,


Alicia said...

i guess you don't miss anything about me...jerk...thanks for not mentioning me...and every one else in the family! ;)

Craig & Cindy said...

Thanks for the good cry!!!!! One day I will post what I miss most about you.

The Gospel

The Lord has really been stirring my heart, the power of the Gospel and challenging me in my belief about what the Lord is truly capable of ...