
Spring Fling Banquet Thing

The Spring Fling Banquet Thing is our kids formal for the year. Since we don't allow dancing, it is basically a nice diner, superlatives are awared, and various kids supply the entertainment (normally a lot of singing).

Below are some pictures of me in my Indian Saree. I love my saree and felt beautiful in it though I must admit I don't really like any of the pictures.

A group picture of the three of us wearing Indian clothing to the formal.


Alicia said...

I am sooo impressed that you wrapped your own saree! I have still yet to do one completely on my own!! You look amazing. "You are looking so very smart." that is what an indian would say. I love you and am glad we got to share india together.

Shannon said...

That gold is a very pretty color on you.

The Gospel

The Lord has really been stirring my heart, the power of the Gospel and challenging me in my belief about what the Lord is truly capable of ...