
Whacha gonna do this summer?

Teach summer school until July 6th
Go rafting on the 4th
Teach an English Camp (July 23-27)
Cook for the House
Meet with the Cheerleaders
Hang out with Faith and Nicole
Make my first Quilt
Take a trip to somewhere in Korea with Ms.Song
Water Becca's plants
Runs at the crack of dawn with Sara
Meet with ShaSha for Tuesday Bible Study
Meet with the Lee's for Thursday Bible Study
Explore Korea with Alicia

I decided to stay in Korea all summer in order to save some cash. While it may seem like, "What in the world is she going to do with all that time?"...obviously that is NOT the case.

This summer is not just about saving cash, but is also a time...
to explore Korea (my last summer to do so!)
to pursue some creative endevour
to get on top of things for next school year
to find a way to be a blessing to someone and not just live for myself!

God is graciously giving me purpose this summer. He is filling my days and evenings, but there is also some "chill" room in there. So far, the summer has seemed equally as busy as the school year--Hence the mass blogging--but I am about to get a two week break...with absolutley NO PLANS!

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The Gospel

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