
Fish Anyone?

Here's the story. We went to Mr.Sorak last weekend. Though it is great to escape for a weekend, it also means you do not get to work on any school work over the weekend...at least if you are an Amber. I do not take grading or lessson plannning on vacations.

So what does an Amber do to still be ready for class on Monday? I stay up until 2:00 am Friday morning grading papers. This means I got four hours of sleep before heading into Friday. Not bad, but that also means I did not give myself time to eat breakfast Friday morning. Not a big deal...I can survive until lunch.

School got out at 11:30. We rush home and get home around 12:15 and need to meet the bus to leave for Mt.Sorak at 1:00. It is about a 5 minute walk to our meet point. So I have 45 minutes! Not a big deal, except I haven't packed because at 2 am I called it quits and went to bed. So I throw who knows what in a suitcase and I throw a piece of chicken and some Pringles in my bag for lunch to eat on the 5 hour bus ride to Mt.Sorak.

On our bus ride, I enjoy my chicken, Pringeles, and a coke (great lunch! huh?). We get to the hotel, drop our stuff in our room and leave in search for food. Afterall, we are hungry. All I have eaten all day is a piece of chicken and some Pringles.

We quickly discover we have one option, the Korean restauraunt in the hotel. I was expecting to eat Korean, so not a big deal. Almost every item on the menu has seafood in the title. Yuck. However, there was a beef and mushroom soup. It is that or Kalbi (which I love and know is filling). I decide not to play it safe and to order the soup. Bad idea.

The soup ended up being this clear broth with three (not an exaaggeration) pieces of very thin beef. The other peices of beef in the soups where all fat. Also in my broth are some onions and some mushrooms. What do I do? I eat my three pieces of beef , the mushrooms, and onions. However, this is not very filling. Keep in mind...I have only had a piece of chicken and Pringles leading up to this meal. I was a little disappointed and was wishing I had just ordered the Kalbi.

Thankfully, Sara orderd a meal that came with the fish pictured below, a soup, and a rice dish with pumkin. She got a three-course meal. I got unflavorful soup. Anyhow, though everyone ate a bite or so of the fish...I ate the rest.

This is what the fish looked like to start with.

Here is the fish once I am finished with it. Notice...only the head is left. Yes, I ate everything else! It was very tasty and I enjoyed it very much and this fish saved me from starvation!

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