
Another Goodbye

The time has come to say goodbye to the Fleming Family. They will be missed here in Korea particularly by me. They have been here as long as I have--they are officially the last.  Anyone else I know here, I have been here longer! Not only have they been a vital part of the House, Nicole has been a huge source of encouragement. That and we and a few others would meet on Wednesday night for Bible Study.

What I learned from the Flemings was to be Bible based. I knew this, but they are both so good about when faced with a question like--"In the story of the Samaritan woman Jesus says those who drink of His water will never thirst again--if this is true, why is it that those who have eternal life are still thirsty?" Rather than give some "churchy" explanation, they were really good at just looking to other verses or stories in the Bible that might give insight into the question. That is probably a poor example...but the best I can give. They did this over and over again. It was/is a good challenge for me who has grown up in the church and who often has the "churchy" answer come to mind faster than other examples from the Bible.

Also, Nicole is just a great friend. I have enjoyed her friendship these past two and half years and will miss her transparency, heart for the Lord, and bubbly personality. I love Faith, their daughter, because I love the--however, she is pretty adorable...making her hard to not like!

You all will be missed, but know I will be praying for your transition to life in the States. What a sweet privledge to have known someone well enough to be saddened by their departure from your everyday life.

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