
Christmas Joy

Though this was probably one of my favorite Christmas' in Korea...I don't really have any pictures to go with it!

Kara and I got up around 7:00 (Yes, we set our alarms on Christmas morning!)--or shall I say to watch Kara open her presents. Below is a picture of Kara with her presents. My family did send presents, however, my box got held up in customs because I had to get permission from the government to have black beans sent to you. I eventually got my box on Saturday. Thanks, Kara's parents for sending me a Chirstmas present as it was my only one on Christmas morning.

After presents, Kara and I casually showered and got dressed for the day. Sharon, another single female at our school, joined us for breakfast. I was so blessed to have Sharon join us. She is one of my favorite people to visit with at our school. Over breakfast we shared what the Lord was teaching us. I thought it was great that Sharon brought up this question because it was almost the exact same one I was planning on bringing up around Christmas dinner.
Sharon arrived as Kara was starting to make breakfast and I was starting to get the turkey ready for the oven. She stayed for french toast, fried eggs, a fruit smoothie, and coffee and a turtle. She left around 10:30. My parents called me a little after breakfast and I got to talk to my family for a time. It was fun--one of the sounds I love most is our Vonage phone ringing! Seriously. 
Kara and I had just enough time to the breakfast mess put away before people started coming over for Christmas. It was great. Dinner was planned for three and everyone had the freedom to just show up when it worked. At noon I started to pull out all the chips, dips, and veggies because I was hungry. Sure enough...pull out the food and they will come! Those of us who did not go to the USA for Christmas from school celebrated Christmas together. We tried to get a group shot but it is pretty terrible and we were so busy talking that we forgot to--it was a low priority. 

Dakota, Becca, Laura, Won, Nicole, Me, Teal, Kara, Matt, Beka, and Tad

I really wanted to be able to focus on Christ on Christmas Day. The way I chose to accomplish this this year was to ask people to share what it is the Lord has been teaching them this holiday season. I started us off and we had a great discussion. It is so encouraging to hear how and what the Lord is speaking to others. After dinner we just continued to hang out. Some stayed in the living while some of us played Settlers of Catan (I really enjoy this game!). I did not win but still enjoyed myself. People eventually left and I cannot remember how Kara and I finished of the evening. I believe we watched a movie--wishing for a cheesy Christmas to come on TV even though that really doesn't happen on Korean television.

Anyhow, that was my Christmas. I hope that you found joy in celebrating Christ as well!

1 comment:

Craig & Cindy said...

Glad you had a nice Christmas. It sounds like it was a lot of fun. There is nothing better then sharing Christmas with family and friends except sharing Jesus with family and friends.

I too am thankful for Kara's parents. It still makes me sad you did not have your presents for Christmas morning. But so thankful you have received them even though late.

The Gospel

The Lord has really been stirring my heart, the power of the Gospel and challenging me in my belief about what the Lord is truly capable of ...