
Take A Break

I decided it was time to post. I have been really more introverted and narcissistic lately. Hence, no thoughts shared here for a time

I thought I would start off by sharing a little more of what the Lord has laid on my heart for this year.

The first few months I was at Doulos last year, my thought life was fairly consumed with mulling over what to do (at that time) next year. Consuming to the sinful point and where I had to start taking my thoughts captive. There were just so many things to consider. Which city in the world would I move to? What JOB to do. I left Korea and was not sure I wanted to return to teaching.

Anyhow, at one point I was seriously considering applying for House Director where I was living. I believe I would have enjoyed that position and that it would have been a good fit for me. The job is a two-year commitment and a fairly consuming job.

In the midst of seeking the Lord out about this, He clearly spoke to my heart, "Take a break." I feel like He continued to gently say this to me whenever I would pray about the future. Though this word did not tell me much, it definitely kept me from applying for House Director as that job would not have been a break.

During my time at Doulos, I do think I rested along the way. I have many sweet memories of just resting in His arms--sometimes peaceful, sometimes in tears, but just that feeling of being held by Him and cuddled in His embrace. Okay...this is a tangent.

A few weeks before being finished at Doulos, the Lord provided more rest. My original plan was to go straight from Branson to Atlanta. However, the Lord placed it on my sisters heart that I needed a vacation and she made it happen. She worked her magic and I got to to California for 10 days and it didn't cost me a thing. The Lord providing rest.

There really isn't a lot more to this than what I have shared. I am not sure what the Lord has for me this year--who ever really does? I have no idea what my job will look like. What I do know is that He wants me to take a break. Obviously, I will have a job. But what?

So here I am in Lawrenceville, Georgia. Today is my one week anniversary. I have no idea what the Lord has for me here. I am not sure what this year will look like. But in it, I want to be obedient to Him as He reveals to me what He means by, "Take a break."

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