

Unfortunately, I don't have any awesomely brilliant pictures of California. Photographing the memories was that last thing I was concerned with in my tired, energyless state that I was in for most of this trip. Sometimes now, I wish I had made more effort...but the trip was awesome and just what I needed.

OHHHH....when I arrived family and friends has written me notes of encouragement and given me gifts certificates! Thank you so much to all of you who blessed me in this way. I felt extremely loved and encouraged. As my sister Alicia would say, "My little Amber heart was happy."

Alicia and I in Hollywood.
I half-heartedly jumped not expecting Alicia to really take a picture, but she did.
We were looking for a good palm-tree lined street to take a picture in. This street won.
This one is for you Shannon.
At some pier that is apparently a California sight that is in several movies.
Alicia, her roomies, and I at Laguna Beach. I love water and the ocean!
Above is the neighborhood where my dad grew up in Ventura,
and below is beach he walked to each day!
How awesome would that be for this to be your backyard or neighborhood park?!?

I have wanted to visit California since middle school. I haven't chilled with these family members in California since I was 2 months old! Since then, I have seen them twice. Except for my Aunt Celeste--I have seen her three times. The trip was long over due and so much fun to get to know them better and in their environment.

Me, Aunt Celeste (Dad's sister), and cousin Leigh
Traden and I--we share a July 1st birthday!
Cousin Thomas and I
Cousins--Leigh, Me, Erica (Traden's mom)
Me, Aunt Celeste, and Traden
Me and Uncle Tom

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