
30 years

I have recently turned 30. If I had had my way, I would be married and have a few kids of my own by now.

I never would have guessed or even known to think that I would have lived in Korea for 3 years, that it would take living in a house with around 15 teens and 9 adults all working on their issues to finally get how the Lord can love me, that the Lord would send me to Georgia to rest and leave me minimally employed creating a unique opportunity to build relationships with a body of believers that were really able to minister to m soul, and that I would parenting 8 girls in a children's home.

Praise the Lord, that His ways are not our ways.

Though my life looks much different than I had wanted, I am grateful for each and ever season He has given me so far. I do still hope He has a husband in my future--but if He does not, I trust Him in it.

All of these seasons have had some rough moments. All have had lonely moments. All have had difficult things I have had to deal with. All have had amazing friendships. All have taught me a specific trait of the Lord. All have contained joy.

Lord, may I continue to enjoy each season that you give me and to enjoy it for all that it is. Thank you for these 30 years that You have given me.

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