
All in All

Over the past few weeks I have often been signing over and over again, "May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing to You." I sing this when my brain is going crazy re-playing interactions with people, or when I am struggling to believe the best about someone.

So...knowing that...and that I have been singing this song...ALOT...and as I struggled with not knowing if anyone believed I was doing an okay job at parenting...any parents ever have those moments?...as I have had to trust the Lord with other people's thoughts about me...as I have wrestled with if I was being stubborn for Him...or if I was just being selfishly stubborn...

Imagine how amazing it felt when the Lord was so good to me and filled my love tank by speaking to me in one of my primary love languages, words of affirmation--and not just from one source, but a number of different sources.

He is my All in All. He knows exactly what I need to keep me going.

The longer I am single and as long as the Lord keeps me mobile and/or my relationships transitional....the more He truly is my All in All.

He is my husband. He is my defender. He takes care of me. He cares about my day when no one else does. He is there when I am crying my heart out to Him. He encourages me. He rejoices in the truth. He delights in me. He sustains me. He is the only person who satisfies my soul in my lonely moments. He is my provider. He gives me adventure. He allows me do projects. He tells me when I am messing up. He gives purpose to my day. He swings with me. He is always there.

Every time, for the past 3 years in particular, when my soul has craved for a close friend--for a Kara, or a Laura Beth, or JAK, or a Becca, or a Char, or a Chelsie/Lindsey/Amber triad, or a sister...All these times, there has been a very distinct need I felt that one of those people could have fulfilled if I had them in my daily life.

Yet EVERY TIME...it has really boiled down to a longing in my soul to connect intimately with the Love of my Heart. To connect with my Creator. To connect with the only person who can truly satisfy any longing of my soul.

Today, as the Lord has just encouraged my discouraged soul,  my soul has swelled with a love for Him and a desire to share with you how amazing He is.

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