This past week I received two packages via FedEx. One from my sister, Shannon, on Monday, and one from my parents on Thursday.
This is the package from Shanny. This is what I saw when I took the lid off the box! How fun. I love colorful things. I had Jimmy, one of my students, go down and pick up the box from the office as soon as it arrived. He brings it up and tells me it sounds like things inside were broken. It did make some nice rattling noises.
I was going to have my roommate take a picture with me and the box once I got home...but that never happened. I was so excited about the contents that I started unwrapping, eating, listening to, and decorating that by the end of the day it was too late to take a picture!
I decided to hang all the Christmas ornaments in my classrooom 1) because they match and 2) because I spend more time in my classroom than I do at home--this way I could enjoy them more and share them with my students.
I received lots of Hershey Kisses (YUM)!I have a hard time practicing self-control where chocolate is concerned.I must admit that I ended up sharing with some of my classes and then going around school and sharing with the teachers. They quite willing helped me with my chocolate addiction. I was going to get sick if I didn't share.
It's hard to capture by photograph how fun and festive my room looks...these pictures are my best attempt. Thanks Shanny...not only I, but my students, and even some of the teachers, are enjoying how "festive" my classroom looks. For those of you who don't know...Shanny sent me the Christmas lights last year...
Your package is a blessing in many ways...but YOU are the BIGGER blessing. I am so thankful that God saw fit to make us sisters.
Thinking of the Sisters song from White Christmas! We, my Bible study group, are watching the movie tonight for our Christmas party--I can't wait to see it!
yay for sisters! Love you ladies. By the way you look really pretty in both of your pictures!
oh and your classroom is AWESOME. So amberish.
My classroom is my outlet for my enjoyment of color, since the colorful I go for at home is different. The stuff in my classroom I would never do at home...but is great for high school!
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