
Driving to Seoul

This may not be the most thrilling post, but the other day I had the opportunity to go to Costc with Ann and Rebecca, and these are a few of the things and Ann and I found interesting along the way.
I know that in the US we have people who will sell things to people in cars, they just normally don' set up shop on a major highway.

Near the toll boths there are mechanical dummies "patroling". Right.
This is just a classic Korea driving sign. Maybe if North Korea was not an issue there truly would be an Asain Higway that takes you to all those places.

1 comment:

Craig & Cindy said...

Traveling on the roads have to be so different for the US. But I am sure you don't give most of these strange things a second thought. Just wait until you come back to the states. You will think we are strange then.

The Gospel

The Lord has really been stirring my heart, the power of the Gospel and challenging me in my belief about what the Lord is truly capable of ...