
28 Years

Today marks my 28th year on Earth. It was a good day. I am blessed by wonderful family and friends who remembered me and made my day special.

The song of my heart today, is the same song that has been in my heart this past month, Pure and Holy Passion.

I have a unique testimony in that I have always known the Lord. I was raised by parents who love the Lord and some of my earliest memories are of conversations with the Lord. I cannot remember a time where I did not know the Lord in a personal way. It was never just my parents faith--it has always been my own.

He is one of the first people I have turned to with questions, the one who I process my day with, and He is the only person that has truly always been there for me.

As the years have gone by, I have come to know Him more and our relationship has matured and deepened. What a privilege it is to know God and to be known by Him.

If I have any obsession in life, any ambition--it is to know Him more fully. All other things this world has to offer pail in comparison to Him. There have been/are times when I have turned to things of this world--but they always disappoint. I have found Him to be the only source of true life, and life abundant.

As I have gone through this day, I have just been overwhelmed by the fact that I have known Him for 28 years now. I have no idea why He has allowed me to know Him for this long. Why I did not have to go through a season on not knowing Him to turn to Him. I have learned not to question His plans for my life, but am grateful that He has called me to Himself.

So today I celebrate 28 years of knowing Him and being known by Him.

Give me one pure and holy passion.
Give me one magnificent obsession.
Give me one glorious ambition for my life--
To know and follow hard after You.

To know and follow hard after You.
To grow as Your disciple in the Truth.
This world is empty, pale, and poor;
Compared to knowing you my Lord.
Lead me on.
I will run after You.


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