
Super Heros

You may be wondering...What in the world does Amber and her teacher friends do on the weekends in Korea for a little fun?

All we need is a big backdrop, an few words taped to the wall, a pin the head on the Super Intendent poster, a little Power Pizza, a Mystery Science Theater Video, someone with a birthday...and we have the resources for hours of fun.

Let me introduce you to my friends.

Let's Start with the Birthday boy and his wife....

Meet Super Jogger and SuperVision

(AKA Becky and Paul Gary, Secondary ESL Teacher and Art Teacher)

Super Jogger:"I have the power to keep heart rates up, and crime low."

SuperVision: "I have amazing vision and am here sort of to supervise and organize all the other super heros."

Meet Blue Falcon and his sidekick...???

(AKA Tad and Teal Romsa, 2nd Grade Teacher and unpaid staff member we forget isn't a "staff" member)

Meet Super Man and Kween Kandie

(AKA John and Diane Peterson, Principal and Administrative Assistant)

Superman: "I am just a mild mannered reporter for the Korean Times"

Kween Kandie: "Kill them with Kindess"

Meet Captain Kicker, General Fire, and Super Duff

(AKA Micah, Britt, and Becca Mooney; a baby, Seconday History Teacher, and Mother)

Meet Captain Safety

(AKA Laurie Lambert, 6th Grade Teacher and 7th grade Math Teacher)

Captian Safety: "I keep the world safe."

Her reflective safety vest makes it hard for reporters to get clear picture of her.

Meet Random and Spike

(AKA Beka Older, and Myself; Secondary English and HS Math Teachers)

Random: "I can't decide if I'm the Super Hero or the Villian."

Spike" "I have the power of Gel."

Meet The "Purse"inator, Super Foriegner, Mystery Woman, and Random

(AKA Pam Donahoo, Laura Forner, Becca Teat, and Beka; Spanish/Speech/Geography Teacher, 4th Grade Teacher, Music Teacher, and Secondary English)

Meet Chuck Norris Want-To-Be

(AKA Stever Frober, not a teacher, but a military friend)

Meet Insomina Girl

(AKA Cheryl Ayers, 1st grade Teacher)

Insomia Girl: "I have the power to keep you awake. If I see that you are getting tired I will play my flute melody for you."

Her flute does not sound very good!

Meet Mystery Woman

(AKA Becca Teat, Music Teacher)

Mystery Woman: "I reveal my powers as they are needed."

Meet Spike, Vague, and his sidekick Anonymous

(AKA Myself; Matt, and Teddy Bear)

Matt teaches English at a Hogwon, a type of Korean School.

Now it's time for some SUPER HERO ACTION SHOTS.

This photo here is not posed. Insomnia Girl saw that Wall Flower was looking sleepy so she attacked her with her flute playing! We take our jobs as Super Heros very seriously. We must not let our powers go to waste when there is someone in need.

The POWER OF GEL....Up Close.

Yes...this is my real hair and not some wig. There is nothing that was going to move this hair. My original intention was to spike my hair...but the top layers were too long. So this was my compromise. It's not everyday you have an excuse to spike your hair and thought I would take advantage of the opportunity.

I did not like the name Spike for my superhero....but everyone else thought it was great and I couldn't think of anything creative.

That's all for now...

As you can see...there is much more to people than what meets the eye.

Our occupations only serve to give us a cover as we wait for the opportunity to use the Super Hero power that is inside us all.

Who is my number one Super Hero of all times?

Only the biggest, strongest, most powerful Super Hero of all....the Triune God. He is the source of my Super hero abilities. He gives me the strength to encourage the citizens of this world and to fight the villians.


Alicia said...

I love all thes pics!!! I love to see the true Amber come out in all the pics!!! It makes me miss you and it makes me realize how you are the most perfect person to be a teacher. All the amazing gifts that God has given you are used in the perfect context in High school!! I love you and miss you. YOU are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

These are the very best pictures I havre seen of this event. Thanks for sharing.

The Gospel

The Lord has really been stirring my heart, the power of the Gospel and challenging me in my belief about what the Lord is truly capable of ...