
Thailand Jounals: Day 1

2006 Thailand Mission Trip
Mae Tang Tribal Children's Home
Saturday, April 8, 2006
We got up and were at our bus stop by 4:30 a.m. We rented a bus to take all of us going on a mission trip over Spring Break to the airport. A group went to India, and Pam went to Vietnam. It is about a two and a half hour bus ride to the airport. Our flight left around 9:30 a.m. PRAISE GOD! It was a fairly uneventful travel day. We arrived in Bangkok, had an hour and a half layover before getting back on a plane for Chiang Mai. I realize that I am very easily not spelling the Thai places and food…however, I will do my best!

We were greeted at the airport by Able, Carol, their four girls (???, Beth, Elaine, and Amy) and Belinda (She took wonderful care of us all week!). Those are the people in the picture to the left. The girls welcomed us by placing necklaces made from Jasmine flowers around our necks. It was a precious welcome and a great way to start our Thai adventures.

At the airport, we piled our luggage into the back of a truck, and piled ourselves into a couple of vans. Mae Tang, the actual city where we worked, is about an hour drive from Chiang Mai. We were taken directly to the beautiful restaurant in the picture below. The food was delicious! Weird observation: At dinner I immediately noticed that Thai rice is a longer grain and does not stick together.

From the restaurant, we went directly to our hotels and settled in for the night and the week. Our hotel here is a mix between an American and Korean hotel. We have beds (American), but they feel like the floor (Korean or maybe Asian). The hard of the bed here at the hotel is an even harder, more floor-like hard than my bed at home. This bed actually felt like you were sleeping on the floor. Also, we have the Korean bathroom with a western toilet and shower head that sticks out of the wall and the entire bathroom gets soaked when someone showers. Our room is more American in that there was actually furniture in the room.

Andrew and Gwenn--the two teachers who planned the trip. This picture was taken during our layover in Bangkok.

This picture was taken Burger King at Incheon. It is a treat to be able to purchase a breakfast crossiant. This is not something that is offered in Korea, except in the airport or on base. Breakfast sausage is a yummy treat.

I love how the person knew I was taking a picture. Of course the logical thing to do would be to put your bag up to cover your face and quickly walk in front of the picture! That's what I would have done. Very Korean.

Oh...Pam...the short lady in the red shirt...she is my future roomie. She went to Vietnam .

One of the many ways we passed time in Bangkok...other activities included learning weird pencil thing, eating snacks, and throwing a nerf football.

Anna, Christine, Grace, Danica, and Amy in the van on our way to the hotel.

Anna and I in the van.

And that's all folks for today. It was just a travel day...so there are not too many intersteresting photos.

Actually there are...some very unflattering ones of poeple sleeping on the plane, some just of people making faces...and who knows what else.

I did not become a crazy-picture-taking-person until the third day...

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